
Episode 133: Deus Ex: Invisible War

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross link up to talk about Deus Ex: Invisible War.

How do you follow up a masterpiece? Almost never with another masterpiece. Invisible War has some real problems, but taken on its own it's a perfectly competent shooter with some really great ideas and a fantastic reveal. Don't expect a game that redefines any genres, and you'll be fine.

Episode 115: Thief: Deadly Shadows

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross are the hands that rock Thief: Deadly Shadows's cradle.

Thief: Deadly Shadows won our Fall 2015 Stealth Game poll, and we're glad it did. Not just because it gave us an excuse to talk about the Shalebridge Cradle for 30 minutes... but because it's a beloved series, and a kind of stealth game we haven't covered before. Garret's brand of first-person stealth led to games like Dishonored, which speaks to this series' credit... Even if Deadly Shadows overstays its welcome by about 5 hours.


Episode 105: Spider-Man 2

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross spin a yarn about Spider-Man 2.

What happens when you have one great mechanic, one okay mechanic, and a bunch of other stuff that surrounds them? You get Spider-Man 2, the first superhero game that did a great job of making you feel like a superhero. The swinging is damn near perfect, but does everything else stand up?


Episode 45: Max Payne

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross enter an altered state to talk about Max Payne.

Your wife and only child are dead, and you want blood. Also, it's a noir video game. We ultimately express our indifference towards the shooter genre, but we love the presentation bits enough to extend a lot of good will toward it.

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Episode 21: Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross hurl mixed praise at Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy… With their minds.

You’re Nick Scryer (GET IT!?) and you can run, shoot, sneak, and bang people against walls like bloody, screaming rag dolls. Or make their heads explode. There’s a bunch of other stuff, with weird bosses and invisible monstrosities from beyond… But that’s all pretty bad. Let’s spend a lot of time talking about how fun TK is.

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Episode 15: Silent Hill 2