Watch Out for Fireballs!

Episode 116: Dragon Quest Adventures: Rocket Slime

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross gush about Dragon Quest Adventures: Rocket Slime.

This is the first Dragon Quest game we've covered, and of course it had to be a weird one. Rocket Slime trades in the turn-based combat for top-down action and surprisingly deep tank battles. A unique movement and attack mechanic, along with the oodles of puns, make Rocket Slime a must-play if you have a DS.


Episode 115: Thief: Deadly Shadows

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross are the hands that rock Thief: Deadly Shadows's cradle.

Thief: Deadly Shadows won our Fall 2015 Stealth Game poll, and we're glad it did. Not just because it gave us an excuse to talk about the Shalebridge Cradle for 30 minutes... but because it's a beloved series, and a kind of stealth game we haven't covered before. Garret's brand of first-person stealth led to games like Dishonored, which speaks to this series' credit... Even if Deadly Shadows overstays its welcome by about 5 hours.


Episode 113: System Shock 2

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross lay into System Shock 2.

System Shock 2 will pretty much always show up on any "Greatest PC Games of All Time" lists. It inspired Bioshock, a game that we very much like. But, does it hold up? Listen as we talk about the many great ideas that System Shock 2 has, and the many ways it burns through whatever good will it earns.


Episode 112: Blaster Master

Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross blow through Blaster Master.

We've covered several NES platformers on the show, but mostly from bigger publishers. Capcom and Konami are mainstays, and of course we've talked a lot about Nintendo itself, but SunSoft has racked up more Abject Suffering entries than WOFF! entries. Blaster Master is a varied and eclectic game with some neat ideas and inconsistent execution. Those neat ideas count for a lot, though, and ambition gets points.