Watch Out for Fireballs! Magnets!


Look WOFFLE in the Eyes

Who is WOFFLE? WOFFLE is the mascot of Watch Out for Fireballs! You know, the little fire ball that looks into your soul every week with his dead, dark eyes.

Why wouldn't you want him to stare you down every time you reach for your milk, pasta sauce, or beverages?

That's right, there's no reason.

That's why we're offering you the chance to buy a WOFFLE MAGNET, hand-made out of Perler beads.


Here's the breakdown: Use the form below to order your magnet. It's roughly 4" x 5", and will adhere to your fridge nicely.

The base price is $5 USD, plus $2.50 USD for shipping. If you want international shipping, it'll be $4.50 USD. If you're bad at math, that's $7.50 USD for those in the US, and $9.50 USD for those in other (equally great) places.

Regardless of your locality, you'll get a couple limited edition WOFF! post cards, which you can pin up around your office or send to friends.

(PayPal is the only way we can accept money at this point. I'm really sorry if you oppose the PP Empire. Trust us, we do too. Email me at if you want a way around it, and I'll see what I can do).


Watch Out for Fireballs! has been growing very rapidly recently. This our first forray into A). offering merchandise, and B). finding a way for fans to directly support the show.

Both Gary and I tremendously appreciate the outpouring of support for our insane venture so far. We have tremendous plans for the future fo this show, and others, and throwing in for a magnet will help us in very material ways.

Thanks for reading this whole thing. We love you.
