Dead Idea Valhalla

14. Butterfly Porkchop

Frightful biology.

Frightful biology.

Probably a below average episode. The first half has a little pop screen nonsense and then something that can't really be construed as anything other than agism. But you know, ehhhhhh.

The song is probably the oldest thing I have recorded from one of my earliest bands, HiLo. There is a LOT of HiLo that went unrecorded, which breaks my heart.

And then the disgusting finale of Taint Misbehavin' which ends in exactly the way it has to, really.

13. A Touch of Gray

Careful! She's right there!

Careful! She's right there!

This is one of my favorite things I've ever done. My favorite things I ever did with the show were to fuck with the show. This, the Slenderman arc in the beginning of season 2, the finale, all stuff I'm really proud of.

So, the first part I consider to be pretty impeccable.

The song in the middle is the first track on the last Metroids album, which again, I'm really into.

Then we have the 2nd part of Taint Misbehaving, which I do like, but it's sort of lazy. I did these extended 2nd bits, that didn't require writing, when I wanted to do more ambitious first bits, I think. In either case, I really like this episode.

10. Greasy Tasty

Greasy and tasty!

Greasy and tasty!

There are only a couple episodes I think are relatively uninspired and this is one of them. Why didn't I title this episode starchy wad? Anyway, I'm not crazy about the first half of this episode. I have some barely informed opinions about food science, some of which I stand by, some of which I don't, especially in relation to my current dietary restrictions. Time makes fools of us all!

The song is from a little EP that I did, one of the first things I recorded while living in Portland and I'm a big fan.

The second bit is probably going age really poorly and might be a little hard to follow. My wife at the time was watching a whole lot of Miami Ink and L.A. Ink, which I think is more or less bunko, even by the standards of reality TV. And I'll watch some reality TV, as long as it contains treasure hunting of some kind. But these shows bugged me with it's thuggish attitude and obnoxious characters. Further, the rotating cast of people looking to get tattoos were selected based on how sentimental and tear jerky their ideas were. So, I threw together a bunch of characters into a sort of beerslam: Behehehndrehndehendehenen Ink.

Most of the shop characters don't appear again, probably because I felt uncomfortable about doing foreign accents. I did, however, draw a picture of Mutaro that is terrifying.