Dead Idea Valhalla

8. Noisily Devouring a Still Beating Human Heart

This man is one shower away from being a lucky boy.

This man is one shower away from being a lucky boy.

For some reason, at this point, I thought the overwhelming negativity of my podcast and personality was a bug, not a feature, so I needed to talk about something positive. That's where this comes from.

In the middle, I have a song from my rap group, HWP, and it's definitely the high water mark of that band. That was a partnership with my very funny, very talented friend Austin Cliffe.

The last half of the episode has a couple of commissioned songs I wrote. The first one, for my buddy Tony Zanker, suffers from some sour vocals but I think the 2nd one, written for my friend Mike Kitchell, is top shelf.

7. El Debarge with Bears

Feeling Brave Tonight?

Feeling Brave Tonight?

One of my all time favorites.

The first part contains some whining, complaining and ranting.

The song in the middle is something I'm pretty proud of and that I'm unable to remember how to play, which is ridiculous, but it's true.

The real meat though, is the end bit, an extended reference to this.

I enlisted some friends to work on this segment, which would eventually becoming a recurring character. The entire saga is eventually collected but for now, it's just me, my friends Jon Wolff (Gatorboy) and Derek Hayes.

6: Dippy Crust No No

When he gets up, there's going to be a big pile of Hobo Grease.

When he gets up, there's going to be a big pile of Hobo Grease.

And here's the second part of my probably very cruel animalization of homeless people. I wonder if history will judge me harshly?

It doesn't matter though when we have such delightful treats. Brayton is back with his performance as Dr. Brace Grodin. We've got my favorite song by my band The Midnite Snax and we have yet another fakey interview, this time with a full song from the Hobotown musical.

If you like Brayton (and you should), keep an eye on for a brand new show he and I are collaborating on. Love it? You're gonna like it!

5: The Bindle Suite

Pre suitcase technology

Pre suitcase technology

Here we have several firsts for Dead Idea Valhalla. In the first half, we have my first guest spot with my very funny friend Brayton playing a noted Hobologist. (his voice is a dead on ringer for ST Joshi)

This interview is continued in the next episode, making this the first two part segment.

The 2nd segment has the return of two characters from my former podcasting life and the first of my greatest hits style lists of song choruses. The sound quality isn't perfect but I always loved those.

Also, the song in the middle is a personal favorite. I'm pretty into this episode!