Duckfeed Update: June 3, 2016 — News1

We've opened up a new merch store! Shirts! Mugs! Other things!

Duckfeed Update: June 3, 2016

Exquisite Suffering!

The first of the month was a couple of days ago, and that means it's time for an Exquisite Suffering rollover!

Gary and I talked about Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode and didn't really care for it, and that's up on the backer feed right now. Additionally, last month's episode about Rising Zan just went up on the store, so go check that out now.

Recent Releases

Monster in My Podcast

Upcoming WOFF! Games

  • Fallout: New Vegas (continued).
  • Day of the Tentacle.
  • Deus Ex: Invisible War.

Upcoming Bonfireside Chat Episodes

  • Road of Sacrifices
  • Cathedral of the Deep
  • Farron's Keep