Duckfeed Update: June 3, 2016
Exquisite Suffering!
The first of the month was a couple of days ago, and that means it's time for an Exquisite Suffering rollover!
Gary and I talked about Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode and didn't really care for it, and that's up on the backer feed right now. Additionally, last month's episode about Rising Zan just went up on the store, so go check that out now.
Recent Releases
- Abject Suffering 143: Iron Man and X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal. This is a special episode that's half about the game in question, and half about Captain America: Civil War. The spoiler line is clearly defined.
- Bonfireside Chat 92a: Undead Settlement. Tune in for your responses to the Undead Settlement! Ball trees abound.
- Check It Out, Comrade! 60: Human Resource Machine / Last Door Season 2. The comrades hit up a assembly programming sim from the developers of Little Inferno, and an atari-inspired horror game followup.
- Duckfeed Live 17: Weird Lip. This is a strangely serious live special. At least it is for us.
- The Level 152: The Yadda Yadda Button. Listen in for Kole to go in-depth about the Steins;Gate visual novel.
- Teenage Dirtbags: "You Get What You Give" by the New Radicals. This is perhaps the most irritating video the dirtboys have covered.
- Watch Out for Fireballs! Episode 129: Fallout: New Vegas (Main Quests). It's the beginning of our long-awaited New Vegas season!
Monster in My Podcast
Upcoming WOFF! Games
- Fallout: New Vegas (continued).
- Day of the Tentacle.
- Deus Ex: Invisible War.
Upcoming Bonfireside Chat Episodes
- Road of Sacrifices
- Cathedral of the Deep
- Farron's Keep