Level 44: Forget It Jake, It's Just a Turtle — The Level

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Level 44: Forget It Jake, It's Just a Turtle

Kole, Ben, Dennis, and David talk about Starbound, Walking Dead Season 2, and ask you to name your favorite games of 2013.

Level 44: Forget It Jake, It's Just a Turtle

The Grind

  • Dennis: Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Star Wars Pinball.
  • Ben: Dragon Age II. Beyond: Two Souls.
  • David: Kingdom of Loathing. Starbound. Borderlands 2.
  • Kole: Contraption Maker. Actual Sunlight. Walking Dead Season 2.


  • Some kind of game of the year discussion.


A brief snippet from episode 44 of The Level. http://duckfeed.tv/lvl/44

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