The shocking origin story of the Dracolisk: Prodigious production, combined with clumsiness on slippery surfaces.
8: Banshee
I scream, you scream, we all scream then die instantly.
7: Baatezu
Don't confuse a devil for a demon, it doesn't end well.
6: Aurumvorax
Smeltable truffle pigs in the shape of centibadgers.
5: Argos
Who overcooked the Beholder!?
4: Arcane
Passive aggressive space weirdos prowl the void, looking for gold to have sex with.
3: Ankheg
Here comes the Ankheg to undermine our views of intelligence and society, especially as concerns worms and farming.
2: Aboleth
Prepare yourselves to become slime slaves to gigantic bottom feeding degenerates.
1: Aarakocra
The Aarakocra are crappy bird people with secret fingers and a penchant for cloaca-based basketry.