Or, as we call them, future pianos. Now I'm sad.
68: Elemental, Composite
Can you fight a force of nature? Yes, but it would be boring.
67: Elemental Kin, Water
True love melts away, and all you're left with is some poison in your eye.
66: Elemental Kin, Fire
Who can be sure what a baby snake would grow up to? Would it grow a face? Would its spear become a part of its body? So snuff out the fireplace, sonny, lest you invite doom.
65: Elemental Kin, Earth
Nobody has ever used these things in a campaign, and I wouldn't believe you if you contradicted me.
64: Elemental Kin, Air
You happen into a clearing and discover a small, pearlescent egg. This isn't an episode of Abject Suffering, but your world is about to change forever.
63: Elementals
If you kidnap a planar dummy, don't be surprised if he burns your life down.
62: Dwarf
Just in case you didn't catch them in the Player Handbook, they're back!
61: Dryad
Are you ready for uncomfortable sexual situations? Are you too charming for your own good? Then the Dryad might be for you, sweet thing.
60: Dragonne, Dragon Turtle
Exdragonanza closes with a whimper on a glorified manticore, and what amounts to a gigantic sea turtle.
59: Dragonets
Now we enter a detour into the little guys, and hope we don't inhale a dragon faerie.
58: Steel Dragon, Yellow Dragon
Too chromatic for the metal dragons, too metallic for the chromatic dragons. Here we have the misfits. The outlaws. The rebels.
57: Dragons, Mercury, Mist, and Shadow
Let's dig deeper an deeper into Dragonalia, with elemental dragons that skip back and forth between irrelevant planes of existence.
56: Dragons, Brown, Cloud, Deep
And the miscellany rolls in, both aloof and pointless.
55: Dragons, Metallic
A parade of depressing archetypes who will trap you into conversation, then leave you forever to go back to their home planet.
54: Dragons, Gem
Welcome to the weirdo neutral dragons that time forgot, as their cruel creators shunted them into Monster Manuals with higher and higher numbers.
53: Dragons, Chromatic
It's a whole rainbow of shitty eternity lizards.
52: Dragons, General
Exdragonanza 2016 begins in earnest as we discuss dragonkind in general, before diving into specifics over the next few weeks.
51: Dracolich
Contents of the Dracolich may be less bony than they appear.
50: Doppelganger
We are Gary and Kole. Please proceed as normal.